KBTBB GREE: Mad Hatter Route Summary and Commentary - Episode 5

Title:『黒い瞳の正体』(The Identity of Dark Eyes)
                The MC is growing accustomed to life in the tea room. She and the Mad Hatter are having a pleasant chat that morning. He then tells her that he’d like Yorkshire pudding with dinner. She tells him that she can call the kitchen to request it, but he grabs her arm before she can run off. He tells her than he wants her to make it. Having no idea what it is, she tries to get out of it, but he insists, telling her that it’s a simple dish in his home country. She unwillingly goes out to get ingredients. She runs into Baba upon entering the lobby and asks him if he knows what it is. He sadly does not, but suggests that she ask Mr. Ichinomiya. She goes with Baba to the penthouse, and she nervously asks Mr. Ichinomiya her question. Although he is his usual gruff self, he does tell her what it is and sends her the recipe. Before she leaves, she also asks what country it is from, and he tells her that it’s from the United Kingdom.
                Later that evening, she is working busily on dinner. The Mad Hatter pops into the kitchen to see her happily preparing everything. She serves dinner shortly thereafter, and he seems to be impressed with her cooking. She is quite happy that it turned out well. As they eat, he converses about the food. The MC is not listening however. She is lost in her thoughts about where he comes from originally. She thinks that his Japanese is very good, so does he really come from the UK? Because of the makeup, she can’t tell his nationality obviously. She wonders why he came to Japan, and if he’s from the city or the countryside as well. He finally snaps her out of wandering thoughts. She then blatantly asks him where he is from. His expression becomes dim, and he sits silently for a while. He then only says that it was a beautiful place.
                The scene then cuts to the MC waking up in the middle of the night. She is quite thirsty, so she gets up to get a glass of water. She tries to move very quietly as she blearily rubs her eyes. She notices that the bathroom door is ajar and someone has just finished taking a shower. Not knowing who it might be, she is afraid that it might be a stranger - but she also knows that is unlikely. The door then slowly opens, and she is shocked to see a young man who is naked from the waist up. His dark hair is still wet, and she looks at his dark eyes as her heart pounds in her chest. She doesn’t recognize him, and they stare quietly before he finally calls her “Alice”. She knows the voice as the Mad Hatter’s. She was expecting to see the Mad Hatter’s blue hair and eyes and white face, so she is utterly shocked. He finally asks her what she is doing out so late, and she explains that she was thirsty. He goes to get her a glass of water, and when he hands it back to her their hands touch. She notes that it was “raw warmth” rather than the warmth through the glove. He blushes hard and tells her goodnight before going back to his room. The next morning, she nervously enters the living room to find the Mad Hatter in his usual dress. He speaks to her as if the events of the previous night did not happen. She wonders if the Mad Hatter and the dark-haired man really are the same person.

My commentary:
                AW YISS!!!!!!!!!!!

Songs to listen to while reading this chapter:
“Girl’s Not Grey” by AFI
"Substitution" by Silversun Pickups
"Changes" by David Bowie

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