KBTBB GREE: Mad Hatter Route Summary and Commentary - Episode 13

Title:『想いがひとつに重なって』(Hearts Overlapping)
                The episode starts with the MC running down the stairs to the basement to retrieve Rion. As she descends, she thinks back on the happy memories with him. She decides that she doesn’t regret being bought at the auction either. When she reaches the basement, thick black smoke has filled the hallways. Almost immediately, she finds Cheshire and picks her up.
                The scene then cuts to Rion’s point of view. He is alone in his darkened room, despondent. His costumes remain the closet, untouched. He has no desire to even sit in the tea room. The phone starts to ring. He doesn’t want to answer it and silently prays that it will stop ringing. The phone will not stop, so he finally answers it. Eisuke answers, only to say “Slow” at first. Rion wants to hang up but decides against it. He finally answers, “What?” and Eisuke warns him of the fire. He tells him he should evacuate, but Rion doesn’t seem to care. He perks up though when Eisuke tells him that the MC has gone to get him. He tells Rion to “bring her back alive”. Rion tosses the handset down and runs out of his room.
                Back from the MC’s point of view, she is getting lost in the smoke trying to locate the tea room. She tries holding a handkerchief over her mouth to keep from breathing in the smoke, but she is still coughing profusely. She still has Cheshire in her arms when she falls to the floor, being overcome by the heavy smoke. She hears a door open wildly and sees what she thinks is the figure of a man. Her only thought is to save Rion. She tries to ask for the figure to help him, but she cannot speak. A voice calls her by her actual name. She thinks she recognizes it, but her consciousness is fading. As someone scoops her up, she can smell a familiar sweet scent before she falls into unconsciousness.
                From Rion’s point of view again. Rion and Cheshire have made it to the stairwell, which is temporarily safe from the fire. He lays down the lifeless body of the MC, and first calls to her as “Alice” followed by her real name again. She doesn’t react to his voice. He checks her pulse and finds a faint one. She is barely breathing. She is pale and her cardiopulmonary function is waning. He knows he has to help her. He feels his chest tingling. He was used to pain from his grandmother and relatives, but the kind of pain he is feeling in this moment is new to him. He lifts up the MC’s chin and proceeds to give her CPR. He thinks back on their happy memories as he continues alternating between chest compressions and breaths. She still is not responding. He puts his hand to her cheek and calls her name. His voice is shaking, and he says, “Don’t leave me alone.” His eyes blur as tears form.
                The MC starts to wake up. She thinks that she’s had a long dream where she was wrapped in Rion’s sweet smell. Her vision is blurry as she opens her eyes, but soon the figure in front of her comes into focus. She is unsure at first if she is still dreaming as she looks at Rion. She reaches out to him to confirm that she’s not dreaming. He squeezes her hand with both of his. He is relieved that she’s alive but still has a tearful voice. He then tells her that they need to get going because it’s dangerous. He lifts her in his arms and carries her up the stairs. Cheshire is trying to keep up. The MC apologizes for having to be rescued. Rion asks her why she came since he said such hurtful things to her before. She replies honestly saying that she wants to live with him. He says that it is impossible because he is not “decent” according to the Queen of Hearts. His world is different from the MC’s, and he doesn’t think that she will be happy. The issues with his grandmother still play heavily on his mind. The MC tells him how she really feels; through all of his supposedly strange habits, she loves him. Rion smiles at her candid comments.
                They finally reach the top of the stairs. The hotel lobby is bustling with refugees. Chisato, Erika, Rina, and Kana are helping tend to them. Even though she is still woozy, the MC wants to help her coworkers. She tries to go, but Rion embraces her. He thinks it is beautiful to see everyone helping each other. They notice the sun rising now, and Rion wonders if he can make someone happy. The MC says that she thinks he can. He says that he wants to believe that. After looking at the sight for a little longer, Rion calls the MC’s name. He says that he also wants to live with her and make her happy. He tells her that he loves her, too.

My commentary:
                I was a little upset that this turned into a “damsel in distress” scenario since it started as the MC trying to rescue Rion. I did like that they flipped between POVs in this chapter though. It was interesting to see Rion’s side for a change. The CPR scene left me with mixed feelings. On one hand, it was really touching how hard to he tried to save her. On the other hand – I’m a nurse and THAT IS NOT HOW YOU DO CPR! She had a pulse! She didn’t need chest compressions! She probably needed rescue breaths since her breathing seemed ineffective. Also the CPR ratio was completely off. He was doing 4 compressions per breath… It’s supposed to be a 30:2 ratio for adults!!! *Rant over*

Songs to listen to while reading this chapter:
“Throne” by Bring Me the Horizon
“Inside the Fire” by Disturbed
“Witchcraft” by Pendulum
“Brand New Day” by Fireflight (for the end of the episode)

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